scripts package
scripts.AssociationMatrix module
- class scripts.AssociationMatrix.AssociationMatrix(filename, leftds, rightds, left_sorted_terms, right_sorted_terms, main, rng, mask, type_of_masking, verbose)
- get_error()
- initialize(initialize_strategy, verbose)
- mask_matrix()
- update()
- update_G_left()
- update_G_right()
- update_S()
- validate(metric=EvaluationMetric.APS)
- scripts.AssociationMatrix.list_to_dict(list)
- scripts.AssociationMatrix.parse_line(line)
- scripts.AssociationMatrix.suppress_stdout()
scripts.Network module
- class scripts.Network.Network(graph_topology_file, dirfilename, verbose, rng, mask=1)
The Network class is the representation of all the graph And it contains a instance of AssociationMatrix for each file (every AssociationMatrix contains the decomposition)
- Attributes:
- graph_topology_filestr
File name describing the topology of the network (setting file).
- init_strategystr
Strategy of initialization of the AssociationMatrix in the network. Strategy can be: random, svd, kmeans.
- integration_strategystr
Integration strategy of nodes. Strategy can be: union, intersection.
- rngGenerator
Random generator
- type_of_maskingint
How mask is generated. 0 means fully_random, 1 means random_per_row.
- association_matricesList[AssociationMatrix]
Association matrix of the Network
- datasetsSet[str]
Set with names of all data sets
- dataset_ksDict[str, int]
Dictionary that associate data set name with its rank
- filesDict[str, list]
Dictionary that associate to every filename the list [main, ds_left, ds_right]. Main is 1 if is the main matrix, 0 otherwise. ds_left is the dataset on the left of the relationship and ds_right is the dataset on the right.
Method to get the current error of the network
()Get the main matrix of the network
(ds_name)Method to calculate rank for each datatype.
()Update the network
([metric])Validate the network, producing performance metrics (APS, AUROC, RMSE)
- get_error()
Method to get the current error of the network
- Returns:
- float
current error of the network
- get_main()
Get the main matrix of the network
- Returns:
- AssociationMatrix
main matrix
- select_rank(ds_name)
Method to calculate rank for each datatype. In case of k-means and spherical k-means initialization represents number of clusters. In case of svd rank represents the “compression” magnitude.
- Parameters:
- ds_namestr
name of the data set
- Returns
- ——-
- int
- update()
Update the network
- validate(metric=EvaluationMetric.APS)
Validate the network, producing performance metrics (APS, AUROC, RMSE)
- Parameters:
- metricEvaluationMetric, default=EvaluationMetric.APS
Metric to produce
- Returns:
- Method to produce performance metrics
scripts.processAssociationMatrix module
scripts.processNetwork module
- scripts.processNetwork.runNetworkMM(args, results, metricsArr, pos)
creates a Network with Maximum Metrix evaluation
- Parameters:
- args(dirname_1, dirname_2, rng, metric, max_iter)
args necessary to the Network to be created:
- results
shared array containing the best epsilons
- metricsArr
shared array containing the Metric samples every 10 iterations
- posint
integer identifying the run
- scripts.processNetwork.runNetworkRE(args, results, metricsArr, pos)
creates a Network with Relative Error evaluation
- Parameters:
- args(dirname_1, dirname_2, rng, metric, max_iter)
args necessary to the Network to be created:
- results
shared array containing the best epsilons
- metricsArr
shared array containing the Metric samples every 10 iterations
- posint
integer identifying the run